01 September 2021

Improving the Family Economy, BPR Lestari Collaborates with Housewives to Become LakuKu Agents.

Improving the Family Economy, BPR Lestari Collaborates with Housewives to Become LakuKu Agents.

BPR Lestari officially launched the Laku Pandai BPR Lestari product popularized under the name LakuKu. In collaboration with a number of housewives, this product has a big mission to support the family economy.


Laku Pandai is a banking service issued by OJK to provide banking services in collaboration with agents to stimulate economic growth between rural and urban areas.


“LakuKu has a big mission. Empowering women, especially housewives, provides a great opportunity for them to support the family economy,” said Istri Pramita Wulandari, Head of Retail Banking at BPR Lestari Bali.


Housewives are often connoted as a profession that stays passive or runs a small business at home. By becoming a LakuKu Agent, they will become more productive.


“Every day, (I) run the shop at home only. I tried to become a LakuKu agent because I was interested in the opportunity to earn more. Hopefully, it will increase the family's income,” said Ida Ayu Dewi Adnyani, one of LakuKu's agents.


LakuKu agents also undergo a period of training and coaching from BPR Lestari so that they can carry out the transaction process smoothly. All LakuKu agents have also been equipped with various promotional media that support all activities.


The banking services available at LakuKu Agent are account opening, cash deposit, cash withdrawal, and book transfer. For every new account opening, LakuKu Agent will get a fee of IDR 50 thousand.


“Our target is to work with 400 LakuKu agents within the next five years in all areas in Bali. With more and more LakuKu Agents, we hope to be able to reach out more and be closer to all customers," added Wulan.


For customers who want to make transactions, they can visit the LakuKu agent nearest to the customer's location.


"If there are relatives, relatives, or neighbors who want to support the family economy, please don't hesitate to offer to be part of the LakuKu Agent," concluded Wulan.


Improving the Family Economy, BPR Lestari Collaborates with Housewives to Become LakuKu Agents.

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Improving the Family Economy, BPR Lestari Collaborates with Housewives to Become LakuKu Agents.

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Improving the Family Economy, BPR Lestari Collaborates with Housewives to Become LakuKu Agents.

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