18 November 2020

New Branch Office: BPR Lestari Bali Opened Gatsu Tengah Branch

New Branch Office: BPR Lestari Bali Opened Gatsu Tengah Branch

In order to make it easier for customers to obtain banking services, BPR Lestari Bali has again opened its branch office. On Monday (16/11) BPR Lestari Bali inaugurated the Gatot Subroto TengahBranch Office. The office, which previously had the status of a cash office, is located around Jalan Gatsu Tengah, Denpasar.


"Services at this branch office are the same as at the Teuku Umar Head Office. Customers who live in North Denpasar can come to this office to make transactions and process credit” said Ni Ketut Kariati, Head of the Gatsu Tengah Branch Office.


With the inauguration of the new branch office, it is recorded that BPR Lestari Bali currently operates 1 Head Office, 4 Branch Offices and 9 Cash Offices spread across Denpasar and Badung areas.


Not only seen from the increase in the number of branch offices, the positive performance of BPR Lestari is also shown in the performance of its assets. In the third quarter of 2020, BPR Lestari Bali's assets were recorded at Rp. 6.3 Trillion, growing by 300 billion (5%) year-over-year (YoY) from the same period last year. 


“In this challenging year, our business can still grow even though it is not as fast as last year. Next year we are optimistic that conditions will improve, business will begin to recover, "said Pribadi Budiono, CEO of BPR Lestari Bali when met at the inauguration.


BPR Lestari Bali has also improved banking services through several digital initiatives. One of them is DepisitoGo, where customers can open a deposit account through the LestariMobile application without having to come to a bank counter. 


In addition, currently BPR Lestari has developed the ‘Order From Home’ feature on the LestariDiskon application which can be used by MSMEs in Bali to market their products online through the LestariDiskon application. Application users can order these MSMEs products from home, and the orders would be directly delivered to customers.


“This year is the year where we have made many digital innovations. Apart from DepositoGo and ‘Order From Home’, there is an online account opening feature that is just waiting for OJK (the Indonesian Financial Services Authority) approval.” closed Pribadi.


New Branch Office: BPR Lestari Bali Opened Gatsu Tengah Branch

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New Branch Office: BPR Lestari Bali Opened Gatsu Tengah Branch

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New Branch Office: BPR Lestari Bali Opened Gatsu Tengah Branch

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