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General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) of PT BPR Lestari Bali was held on Saturday (1/26), at The Westin Resort Nusa Dua, Bali. During the meeting, he reported the development of business performance along 2018 by Pribadi Budiono, CEO of BPR Lestari Bali. "In 2018 the conditions did not differ much from the previous year. It is still difficult, but we are grateful that BPR Lestari Bali continues to show a positive trend with assets growing 657.4 Billion from last year's position. We close the year with the achievement of assets of Rp. 5.13 Trillion ", said Pribadi.
The growth of these assets is still driven by the performance of the collection of Third Party Funds (DPK), which grew 18.70% from the previous of Rp. 3.17 Trillion in 2017 to Rp. 3.76 Trillion at the end of 2018. A satisfying performance was also shown in terms of lending which managed to record Rp. 2.92 Trillion at the end of 2018, up 13.62% from the Rp. 2.56 Trillion in 2017. The growth of lending is followed by the maintained credit quality shown by the NPL which is in the position of 1.55%, better than the end of 2017 amounting to 1.96%.
At present, the position of the Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) is at 13.26%. When viewed from the return on capital, Return on Equity (ROE) was recorded at 36.66% while Return on Assets (ROA) was 3.94%. "Our capital is quite strong and healthy, it can be seen from the numbers of financial performance," added Personal.
Positive performance was also shown by BPR affiliates under the auspices of Lestari Group on the island of Java. After 2 years, the total assets of 5 BPRs have now been successfully reached Rp. 516.8 billion. There are 5 BPR affiliates under Lestari Group on the Java island, including BPR Lestari Jatim (Malang), BPR Lestari Jateng (Solo), BPR Lestari Jabar (Bekasi), BPR Lestari Banten (Tangerang) and BPR Lestari Jakarta (West Jakarta).
"The business growth of some of our BPRs in Java is quite encouraging. Many opportunities can be achieved there. Our vision is to become a local Balinese company that is present at the national stage, National Presence, "concluded Alex P Chandra, Chairman of Lestari Group.
Satu lagi, sister company BPR Lestari resmi berganti nama dengan menyandang nama BPR Lestari. Setelah sebelumnya dua afiliasinya resmi memakai nama BPR Lestari yaitu, BPR Lestari Jatim dan BPR... Read More
Jakarta, 08 Juni 2017 (SWA) – Tantangan yang dihadapi dunia bisnis saat ini makin kompleks. Beberapa waktu lalu, tantangan itu datang karena adanya kompetisi bisnis dan fenomena... Read More
Setelah sepuluh tahun sejak pertama kali diluncurkan, Lestari First dari BPR Lestari di tahun ini akan hadir dengan berbagai program penyegaran (rejuvenate) melalui Lestari First... Read More