03 December 2021

50 Healthy Toilets Socialization and Installation from Rotary to Karangasem Residents

50 Healthy Toilets Socialization and Installation from Rotary to Karangasem Residents

Rotary International District 3420, campaigning 5000 Healthy Toilets Project to families in Indonesia who don’t have toilet yet to exterminate Open Defecation in Indonesia. Rotary Club Indonesia collaborated with Public Health Office and sponsored by BPR Lestari Bali to support this event that held on Thursday, December 2nd 2021, to install 50 healthy toilets in Paleg Village, Kubu, Karangasem.


Paleg Village is located in the corner of Tianyar – Karangasem, 2,5 hours from Denpasar. Regardless of the beauty scenery, there are lots of people who lives below the poverty line. Here in Paleg, there are 180 families that don’t have proper toilet in their house so they go to nearest stream and bushes around the village. They looked enthusiastic to join the socialization and get ready for the toilets installation. There are 40 toilets has been installed as the pilot project and another 40 toilets are being distributed to people there. This village has to reach 100% of healthy toilets installed to be certified Open Defacation Free (ODF). Paleg Village still need another 150 healthy toilets to be installed to fulfilled the ODF certification. Rotary hopes that they can help to find another 150 healthy toilets through various event.


The fact is, many families in Bali still don’t have healthy and proper toilet at their house. This is very concerning because open defecation can cause water pollution and another environment pollution that leads to another infectious disease.

With this, Rotary invites us to participate to exterminate Open Defecation. Join us @rotaryclubofbalidenpasar to support more.


50 Healthy Toilets Socialization and Installation from Rotary to Karangasem Residents

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50 Healthy Toilets Socialization and Installation from Rotary to Karangasem Residents

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50 Healthy Toilets Socialization and Installation from Rotary to Karangasem Residents

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