26 January 2021

In Order To Strengthen Cooperation With Financial Institutions, BPR Lestari Held A Master Class

In Order To Strengthen Cooperation With Financial Institutions, BPR Lestari Held A Master Class

To begin 2021, BPR (rural bank) Lestari Bali (member of Lestari Group) introduced the Lestari Network, a place for financial institution actors (BPR/BPRS, Koperasi and LPD) to interact and share knowledge. Through the Lestari Network, BPR Lestari presents a Master Class with the theme "Start Strong with Great Sales Strategy 2021" on Friday (22/1).


The event, which was held online through the zoom application, presented several speakers as follows: Mr. Alex P. Chandra (Chairman of the Lestari Group) and Coach James Gwee (Indonesia's Favorite Trainee and Seminar Speaker).


“We present our Master Class to colleagues in the financial industry. This event will be held regularly by presenting the best coaches, we are committed to sharing knowledge," said Alex before the event.


The event was opened with a sharing session from Mr. Alex, "Market share for BPR compared to commercial banks nationally is very far, on average 98% of the banking market is controlled by commercial banks. This means that the there is still a vast market out there that can be reached by all of you," he said.


"The opportunity is great; now how do we prepare the right strategy? Business is like an F1 circuit, you can't choose between a straight road and a turn. Everything must be faced, and all are opportunities not problems,” said Coach James Gwee. 


The event which lasted for 2 hours was attended by 700 participants from several financial institutions throughout Indonesia. Participants were also invited to join the group.



"Please join the Lestari Network Group via Whatsapp or Telegram group. Come on, collaborate, here we can share knowledge, networking and also technology," concluded Alex.


In Order To Strengthen Cooperation With Financial Institutions, BPR Lestari Held A Master Class

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In Order To Strengthen Cooperation With Financial Institutions, BPR Lestari Held A Master Class

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In Order To Strengthen Cooperation With Financial Institutions, BPR Lestari Held A Master Class

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