04 July 2022

Bung Karno’s Month Commemoration, BPR Lestari Supports KKKS Activities and Kindness Corner Service of Denpasar City

Bung Karno’s Month Commemoration, BPR Lestari Supports KKKS Activities and Kindness Corner Service of Denpasar City

Commemorating the 4th Bung Karno’s Month, BPR Lestari Bali provided support to the Coordinator of Social Welfare Activity of Denpasar City (KKKS of Denpasar City) in synergy with Kindness Corner Service “POBIA” of Social Agency of Denpasar City. The support given was in the form of wheelchair for the elderly in Denpasar.


The handover of wheelchair to the elderly was conducted on Tuesday – Thursday, June 14th – 16th, 2022. This wheelchair assistance for this time was targeting the elderly in Panjer Sub District, Pedungan Sub District, Sanur Village, Tonja Sub District, Peguyangan Kangin and Pemecutan Village. The wheelchair assistance from BPR Lestari Bali was handed over directly to the elderly by Mrs. Sagung Antari Jaya Negara as the Chairwoman of KKS of Denpasar City, and accompanied by Mrs. Ayu Kristi Arya Wibawa as the Vise Chairwoman of KKKS of Denpasar City, I Gusty Ayu Laxmy Saraswaty, SS., M.Hum as the Head of Social Agency of Denpasar City and Made Tutik Sri Andayani as the Director of BPR Lestari Bali. “Hopefully with this wheelchair assistance from BPR Lestari Bali, can be useful to help with your daily activities,” said Mrs. Antari Jaya Negara to the elderly, the recipient of the wheelchair.


Made Tutik Sri Handayani said, this support is a form of #MakeAnImpact program of BPR Lestari Bali that continue to be committed and consistent to help and give positive impact to the society, especially those in Denpasar City. “This is our commitment to continue to spread kindness and to continue to strive to give positive impact on the surrounding environment. We hope through this wheelchair assistance, more elderly will get help in carrying out the daily activities,” she closed.


Bung Karno’s Month Commemoration, BPR Lestari Supports KKKS Activities and Kindness Corner Service of Denpasar City

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Bung Karno’s Month Commemoration, BPR Lestari Supports KKKS Activities and Kindness Corner Service of Denpasar City

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Bung Karno’s Month Commemoration, BPR Lestari Supports KKKS Activities and Kindness Corner Service of Denpasar City

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