23 November 2021

Enjoy New Banking Experience in Super Branch BPR Lestari Bali

Enjoy New Banking Experience in Super Branch BPR Lestari Bali

BPR Lestari newest Super Branch that located in Jalan By Pass Ngurah Rai became the moment of transformation of office function. It’s not only a place to do transaction but also become customer and community engagement center. It’s for building interaction and socializing. “The common function of office building is for doing banking transaction, product promotion, now we widen it’s function become more interactive.” said Made Tutik Sri Andayani, Director of Business BPR Lestari Bali.


BPR Lestari also have meeting room and lounge in another branch such as BPR Lestari Benoa, BPR Lestari Jimbaran, and BPR Lestari Renon Square. The First Lounge is for community gathering, company gathering, and another community events. “Customers can book the meeting room and the lounge in advance through Personal Bankers. We also provide snack and coffee for free.”


Genius Bar also the attraction of Super Branch Office. Genius Bar is designed so the customers can do the transaction at “the bar” by themselves, using LestariMobile or Internet Banking facility, or getting information about the product through our official website. This is one of BPR Lestari’s transformation. Since 2019, BPR Lestari focus on digital banking acceleration to create more convenient banking for customers.


Our main applications are LestariMobile and LestariDiskon. We are continuously improving our mobile banking service such as account opening, online deposit, intrabank transfer. Digital banking and Super Branch for engagement center is a collaboration for remote capability, human connectivity. Developed technology infrastructure still hold the personalized service principle.


“This is our way to engage with our customers. Let’s experience new banking experience.” conclude Tutik.


Enjoy New Banking Experience in Super Branch BPR Lestari Bali

Ekonomi Lesu, BPR Lestari Cetak Laba Rp. 85 Milyar

Perekonomian Indonesia pada semester I tahun 2016 tercatat mengalami kelesuan. Dari data yang dirilis oleh Bank Indonesia, tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi melambat dengan tumbuh 4,92%, dibandingkan... Read More

Enjoy New Banking Experience in Super Branch BPR Lestari Bali

Cara Praktis Dan Murah Membuat Masker Wajah Di Arisan Lestari

BPR Lestari kembali menghadirkan event Arisan Lestari untuk para wanita aktif dan mandiri di Bali. Mengambil tema 'Homemade Facial Masker For Rejuvenate Your Skin', arisan ini diikuti... Read More

Enjoy New Banking Experience in Super Branch BPR Lestari Bali

Dukung BPR Lestari Di UMKM, MAYBANK Kucurkan Rp. 200 Milyar

Ditengah kondisi ekonomi yang lesu saat ini, BPR Lestari tetap berkomitmen untuk mendukung usaha UMKM khususnya di Bali dengan mengucurkan kredit sebesar Rp. 200 Milyar. Dukungan dari beberapa bank... Read More