09 August 2021

Lestarian Shares Together with Foods For Jobless and Nasi Bungkus 2K

Lestarian Shares Together with Foods For Jobless and Nasi Bungkus 2K

The government's decision to extend the PPKM (Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities) period creates a dilemma for most of the community because the impact is tremendous. This condition is a concern for Lestarian to help support the needs of the affected community.


In collaboration with Foods for Jobless through the project of Nasi Bungkus 2K, Lestarian together distributes IDR 50 million to be donated to people who are struggling amid the Covid19 pandemic. The distribution of the aid funds was carried out symbolically on Wednesday (04/08) at the Head Office of BPR Lestari Teuku Umar.


"This helps will be given to Warteg (food stall with inexpensive food) who are no longer able to sell amid this pandemic. We hope that with the donations given, the Warteg owners could return to sell Nasi Bungkus (wrapped rice with condiments) for IDR 2,000.00, so the shop owners also help ease the burden on other people in Bali so that they can get wrapped rice at a relatively very affordable price," said Fanty Fang, the originator of Foods For Jobless and Nasi Bungkus 2K when met after the symbolic handover procession.


“Lestarian and BPR Lestari exist today because of the support of the Balinese people. It's time to support each other and help with all the capabilities we have," said Luh Ayu Silviananda, Corporate Secretary Manager of BPR Lestari Bali.


The Foods For Jobless community, which was formed in 2020 and Nasi Bungkus 2K since May 2021, focuses on helping more and more people in need due to the impact of the pandemic, one of which is the loss of a job or a business that has no customers.


“I'm very happy... because Lestarian's mission is in line with ours. BPR Lestari and Lestarian always support us when we start holding social programs. Even from the beginning of the pandemic, they have helped with groceries. This is called a trust; it must be distributed immediately. Can't be postponed. Thank you Lestarian," said Fanty.


The #Makeanimpact mission will continue to be spread through volunteers who are ready to distribute aid directly to people in need.


“Lestarian's spirit to help does not stop here. There are various efforts that we can do to help restore the economy of the people in Bali, at least for the affected communities that are around us at this time," concluded Ayu.


Lestarian Shares Together with Foods For Jobless and Nasi Bungkus 2K

Rp. 140 Milyar, Laba BPR Lestari Triwulan III

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Lestarian Shares Together with Foods For Jobless and Nasi Bungkus 2K

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Lestarian Shares Together with Foods For Jobless and Nasi Bungkus 2K

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