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One of the banking products that can help manage your financial planning is time deposits. What's more, you can take advantage of online time deposit products without having to go to a bank.
Of course, you should choose a bank product that would give you more benefits, right? Come on, take advantage of DepositoGo from BPR Lestari. What are the benefits?
No need to be confused, here's a leak of the advantages of DepositoGo compared to other online time deposits:
1. Free of Administration Fees
How much is the administrative fee required for DepositoGo? Zero a.k.a. free. The entire process of opening DepositoGo is not subject to additional administration fees.
So, you don't need to bother taking a calculator to calculate your funds again, because the principal and even the interest that you will get in full are in accordance with the initial calculation. Happy right?
2. Negotiable interest
DepositoGo is equipped with a 'dealcode' feature that you can use to negotiate and get the interest you dream of*. This feature is what makes DepositoGo unique because it has a personal touch in the technology it created.
You will get a code that you can input during the DepositoGo placement process. With this code, you will get the interest that has been agreed upon between the customer and the bank. That is fun, right?
3. Interest is higher than commercial banks.
With this one is, there's no need to doubt it. The interest earned on DepositoGo is much higher than at commercial banks. The average time deposit interest at commercial banks ranges from 4-4.5% while with DepositoGo you can earn up to 6.5% interest (according to LPS - the Deposit Insurance Agency - interest provisions)*. Wow!
Don't worry about bank security, because BPR Lestari has been registered as a participating bank for LPS guarantees, so all customer funds are safe.
4. Can be withdrawn before maturity
There is an urgent need and need to withdraw the time deposit? Don't worry, because DepositoGo is equipped with a withdrawal facility at any time without being charged a penalty fee.
The disbursement process can still be done without having to come to the bank, and your funds will be directly transferred to the BPR Lestari account.
You can enjoy these benefits and advantages at once only on DepositoGo. Choose the right product and the many benefits to maximize your financial planning.
Deposits made easy, DepositoGo.Wanna try it now? Click Here!
*Terms and Conditions apply
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