01 September 2021

Joint Movement, BPR Lestari Collaborates With Financial Institutions In Indonesia.

Joint Movement, BPR Lestari Collaborates With Financial Institutions In Indonesia.

The synergy of developing and promoting the advancement of BPRs all over Indonesia is intensively carried out by BPR Lestari Bali. BPR Lestari Bali is intensively synergizes building and encouraging the progress of Banks throughout Indonesia.


Tuesday (24/08) and Wednesday (25/08) BPR Lestari Bali held webinars consecutively for BPR and other Microfinance Institutions.


This webinar collaborates with Forum PSP BPR (BPR Shareholders Forum) all over Bali and invites Mr. Giri Tribroto, Head of OJK Regional 8 Bali and Nusa Tenggara held on 24 August discussed the theme "Building a Healthy and Professional BPR Business".


Through this webinar, participants get an in-depth explanation of bank policies and business progress currently busy being associated with fintech.


It did not stop there. On 25 August 2021, through the Lestari Network community, BPR Lestari collaborated with Mr. Yuswohady, Managing Partner of Institution, who discussed Banking Consumer Megashifts.


"It's called 'gerber', aka gerakan bersama (a joint movement). The opportunity for BPR is still big, but if we go our own way, we will not go forward." said Alex P. Chandra, or familiarly called APC, Founder and Chairman of the Lestari Group.


This Lestari Network is an initiation of BPR Lestari Bali to provide a forum for all microfinance institutions throughout Indonesia to share knowledge, networking, and technology.


Every month there will always be speakers with various discussions relevant to the business of microfinance institutions amid a pandemic.


"Well, that's why you should sign up for next month's webinar. The topic is getting more exciting,” concluded APC.


Joint Movement, BPR Lestari Collaborates With Financial Institutions In Indonesia.

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Joint Movement, BPR Lestari Collaborates With Financial Institutions In Indonesia.

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Joint Movement, BPR Lestari Collaborates With Financial Institutions In Indonesia.

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