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Entering the fourth year, BPR Lestari Bali once again held the 4th Bali Business Round Table (BBRT) at BNDCC, Nusa Dua, Bali on Saturday (16/3). The event was attended by more than 1,200 priority customers and local entrepreneurs. Being an important moment, the bank which now records assets of 5.18 Trillion (data for February 2019), transformed a new service called Lestari Mobile. The wave of banking services through Financial Technology (Fintech) is increasingly unstoppable, and it may become the main service solution in the future. This is what later encouraged bankers to not stand idly by, but participated in this wave of change, including BPR Lestari.
Chairman Lestari Group, Alex P. Chandra, who led the event process as well as introducing the product, said that the plan was executed to provide convenience services through digitalization. "We want to shift product services that have been the expensive cost of funds, to transactional banking through the transformation of Lestari 2.0," he said.
BBRT itself has been held 4 times, this year taking the theme "Politics and Economy of Indonesia in 2019" and presenting Faisal Basri (Indonesian Economist Analyst) and Burhanuddin Muhtadi (Indonesian Political Analyst) as the speakers, which at the end of the event was closed by Indonesian diva, Titi DJ.
The purpose of BBRT itself is a "general meeting of shareholders" which is packaged in an entertaining and insightful event. Also referred to as a "shareholder meeting" because it is indeed the assets of a bank whose largest composition is owned by customers, as also stated by Alex P. Chandra. "The shareholders in BPR Lestari control approximately 13-15 percent of their total assets, so 80-85 percent of them are from customers," said the Chairman of Lestari Group.
Lestari Mobile itself, which was launched at BBRT, is an application that makes it easy for customers to process money transfers (transfers) to fellow BPR Lestari accounts, and find out about account transfers. This method makes savings products at BPR Lestari which used to be only a place to store funds, can now also function as a payment transfer and transactions that support the business of the customers. This application will not only bring BPR Lestari not to lag behind the fintech wave but to lead the banking industry and continue to grow.
There are 5 BPR affiliates under Lestari Group in Java, including BPR Lestari Jatim (Malang), BPR Lestari Jateng (Solo), BPR Lestari Jabar (Bekasi), BPR Lestari Banten (Tangerang) and BPR Lestari Jakarta (West Jakarta). "Business growth in Java is quite positive. Many opportunities can be achieved there. Our vision is to become a local Balinese company that is present at the national stage, National Presence, "concluded Alex P Chandra, Chairman of Lestari Group.
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"Jadi pejabat tidak korupsi, jadi pengusaha tidak menipu", itulah janji dari 60 Generasi Lestari 1,2,3,4 dan 5 dalam gathering yang diadakan hari Senin, 17 November 2014 di BPR Lestari... Read More