22 November 2020

BPR Lestari Is In Cooperation With Danamon Bank For Real-Time Transfer And Deposit

BPR Lestari Is In Cooperation With Danamon Bank For Real-Time Transfer And Deposit

The COVID-19 pandemic has made the majority of people end up limiting activities outside the home. This condition has prompted BPR Lestari to launch the real-time Virtual Account feature to facilitate customer transactions from home. This feature is done in collaboration with Danamon Bank in providing real-time transfer services between banks. With this collaboration, BPR Lestari customers can make transfers to other bank accounts via ATMs or Lestari Mobile (mobile banking) in real-time.


"Customers need fast and profitable banking services, so we developed this facility. The advantage for customers is that there is no transfer fee for transfers done to other banks via ATM or LestariMobile,” said I Made Wenten B, Operations Director of BPR Lestari Bali.


In addition to the convenience of making transfers to other banks, through this collaboration with Danamon Bank, BPR Lestari customers can also deposit funds in real-time and anytime, including on holidays through VA Danamon. 


"We are happy to be able to collaborate with BPR Lestari. We have the same goal, which is to facilitate customers in banking transactions. Hopefully this collaboration will run well and be useful for all parties," said Andrew Suhandinata, Head of Transactional Banking of PT. Bank Danamon Indonesia, Tbk.


"With this collaboration, we will continue to be 24/7 bank. At any time, the customer can transact in and out without being hindered by off-days,” added Made Wenten.


Currently, the number of Savings account holders at BPR Lestari is 27,000, and 14,000 of them have used LestariMobile services. Based on the data as of October 2020, the total savings portfolio for all customers is currently Rp. 485.5 billion. While the total DPK (Third Party Funds) is currently IDR 4.151 trillion.


"8.5% of our DPK comes from savings. We will continue to increase the percentage; we will continue to develop transactional banking facilities.“ closed Made Wenten.


BPR Lestari Is In Cooperation With Danamon Bank For Real-Time Transfer And Deposit

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BPR Lestari Is In Cooperation With Danamon Bank For Real-Time Transfer And Deposit

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BPR Lestari Is In Cooperation With Danamon Bank For Real-Time Transfer And Deposit

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