04 May 2021

Blessings Of Ramadhan, Lestari Group Distributed 5.2 Ton Rice Through Lestari For Kids Program

Blessings Of Ramadhan, Lestari Group Distributed 5.2 Ton Rice Through Lestari For Kids Program

Still shrouded in uncertain conditions due to COVID-19 pandemic, not discourage BPR Lestari to deliver #MakeAnImpact mission consistently.


In April 2021, during month of Ramadhan, BPR Lestari held Lestari For Kids. This program, which is held every 2 months routinely, focuses to fulfill food needs of all children in fostered orphanage across Java and Bali Island.


5.2 ton rice has been successfully distributed to 36 fostered orphanages in Bali and 9 fostered orphanages in Java.


“In this current situation, all children in the orphanage definitely need extra cost for online school. Therefore, we continue to ensure that Lestari for Kids still run smoothly so their food needs are fulfilled”, said Luh Ayu Silviananda, Corporate Secretary Manager of BPR Lestari Bali.


When visited by several Lestarian, all caretaker and children in fostered orphanage are very welcoming us enthusiastically. By adhering to health protocol that suggest by the government, Lestari go back to the office with happy feeling because they able to visit them event was only in a short time.


“We are really hope more and more people that will share #MakeAnImpact to other people who need it”, concluded Ayu.


Blessings Of Ramadhan, Lestari Group Distributed 5.2 Ton Rice Through Lestari For Kids Program

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Blessings Of Ramadhan, Lestari Group Distributed 5.2 Ton Rice Through Lestari For Kids Program

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Blessings Of Ramadhan, Lestari Group Distributed 5.2 Ton Rice Through Lestari For Kids Program

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