31 December 2015

3 Tips On How To Plan Your First Post-Pandemic Vacation

3 Tips On How To Plan Your First Post-Pandemic Vacation

Vacation is one of the primary needs. Even just staycation, going to local tourist objects, out of town or abroad. But, the government suggests to postponed your vacation plan during this pandemic and strict health protocol suggested by the Indonesian Government.


To be more planned, let’s prepare the budget and your dream itinerary post-pandemic vacation. How much cost do you need? Can we have money as much as we need? In which bank product we can save our money? These are the tips and tricks :


1. Set the plan and budget

First of all, plan your vacation. Where is your destination, local or abroad? After that, start to write down your itinerary and budget plan. Make sure you’ve already had.


2. Check Financial Budget

After knowing your vacation budget plan, re-check your financial budget and monthly allocation capability. For example, you need 15 million for vacation next year, and now you have 9 million.


It means you must have an allocation to complete the rest. If you feel you can’t afford it, re-plan your itinerary by changing your accommodations options, transportations, and so on.


3. Choose The Right Bank Product

Because of uncertain external situations, your vacation plan will change according to the conditions automatically.


To save your vacation budget, choose the right bank product to keep your money and give 

withdraw anytime facility with penalty-free. 


More interesting one, if you can get the high rate to add your vacation funds, right?


Let’s try DepositoGo from BPR Lestari. Just do your online deposit through the LestariMobile app, so you don’t need to come and queue in the bank.


How can we do our placement? How about the withdrawal process? Just sit and relax, you can do it from anywhere.  Give anytime withdraw facility. More is no penalty and no administration fee. Online deposit? Easy way with DepositoGo. Wanna try it now? Just click here


3 Tips On How To Plan Your First Post-Pandemic Vacation

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3 Tips On How To Plan Your First Post-Pandemic Vacation

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