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BPR Lestari Bali (member of Lestari Group) recorded a satisfactory asset growth in quarter 2. Growth of 1.1 Trillion in Year on Year (YoY), currently BPR Lestari Bali recorded assets of 5.63 Trillion. This figure is equivalent to a growth of 24% since June last year.
Pribadi Budiono, CEO of BPR Lestari Bali revealed that BPR Lestari Bali continues to strive to promote sustainable growth and the results are reflected in some positive achievements in mid-2019. "Our growth in the second quarter was quite encouraging, the national banking average grew 12% while banking in Bali grew by 5%. We are growing above the industry average "said Pribadi.
The satisfying performance was not only recorded by BPR Lestari Bali, but also other affiliates (Lestari Group). As a group, BPR Lestari grew 28% or as much as Rp 1.38 trillion. Increased from Rp. 4.94 Trillion to Rp. 6.32 Trillion in June 2019.
"As a group, we grew very satisfying. The total assets of all our BPRs on the island of Java under the auspices of Lestari Group reached 686 billion, growing quite significantly by 81% year on year "said Alex P Chandra, Chairman of the Lestari Group.
During positive asset growth, one side of credit risk has decreased. This is indicated by the BPR Lestari Bali's NPL figure of 2.41% and all BPRs under the Lestari Group recorded an NPL of 2.44%. "Industry, our credit risk level is still below the national banking industry, which is 2.57% in April 2019. We need to appreciate management performance in maintaining credit quality," said Alex.
Positive business performance needs to be supported by increased ease of transactions for customers. "We are step by step adding facilities at Jumbo Savings so that they are equivalent to services at large banks. While Lestari Mobile Banking as a technology to support customer transactions soon, we will introduce several new features in it, "concluded Pribadi.
Mewujudkan sportifitas di kalangan pemuda, BPR Lestari Bali berikan dukungan pada kegiatan lomba volly "Putra Abadi Cup VI 2022" yang diselenggarakan oleh STT Tri Amertha. Pembukaan acara... Read More
Menyambut Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesian yang ke - 77, LestariDiskon telah menyiapkan promo spesial, diskon hingga 30% di berbagai merchant pilihan yang tergabung dalam program Diskon Merdeka.... Read More
Tidak dipungkiri, sistem cicilan memang sangat membantu kita dalam membeli barang-barang produktif seperti properti atau aset lainnya saat dana yang dimiliki belum mencukupi. Sayangnya tidak... Read More