01 October 2019

Lestari Apps Discounts Officially Launched At the 2019 Entrepreneur Festival

Lestari Apps Discounts Officially Launched At the 2019 Entrepreneur Festival

After the success of the launch of the Lestari Mobile application last March, now BPR Lestari Bali (member of Lestari Group) is back in presenting a digital product in the form of the LestariDiskon application at the 2019 Entrepreneur Festival event (28/9), last Saturday. Located in the Bhumiku Convention Hall, this application is ready to be downloaded on Playstore (Android) and Appstore (iOS).


LestariDiskon application is present as an application that makes it easy for users to find a variety of discount merchants in cooperation with BPR Lestari Bali. The merchant is also given the discretion to prepare content and photographs that will appear on the merchant's page.


Entrepreneur Festival is an annual event that collaborates with Akubank to give awards to business people or entrepreneurs who have an impact and also a good business track.


The Chairman of Lestari Group, Alex Purnadi Chandra, presented directly the advantages and features in the Lestari Diskon application. "We designed this application as a promotional platform for merchants. So we provide a platform for merchants to promote their business "he said.


This application is equipped with various features that make it easier for users. The Nearby feature is the main feature that is carried so that users are faster in finding discounts at the nearest merchants. Besides, this application also provides e-card features so that application users do not have to worry if they do not carry the physical card. Users only need to show e-cards from the application to get discounts at more than 1800 merchants who have collaborated with BPR Lestari Bali.


When doing a live demonstration of the use of the application, which currently has 10,000, users, most of the guests are business owners who work with BPR Lestari Bali who seems enthusiastic about the features offered by this application.


"Application development certainly does not stop here. We will provide many features for user apps and merchant owners. Currently, the total session apps are used by users as many as 48 thousand hits per month and we are developing features so that users feel comfortable using these apps so that engagement increases "concluded Alex.


Lestari Apps Discounts Officially Launched At the 2019 Entrepreneur Festival

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Lestari Apps Discounts Officially Launched At the 2019 Entrepreneur Festival

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Lestari Apps Discounts Officially Launched At the 2019 Entrepreneur Festival

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