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Consistent with the #MakeanImpact mission, BPR Lestari continuously moves to encourage care for children, education, and the environment.
This year has been a proud year. The 2 (two) children who were raised in BPR Lestari CSR Program, have now successfully graduated and earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics.
“Time flies. The children have grown up to become an adult. And we did not realize they become graduates now,” said Corporate Secretary Manager of BPR Lestari Bali, Luh Ayu Silviananda.
The BPR Lestari Anak Asuh (Foster Children Program) has been implemented since 2010, starting from the foster children entering elementary school until they graduated. Initially, BPR Lestari helped children from close relatives who were experiencing economic difficulties. A total number of 62 children is under the support of BPR Lestari. Over time there are still ten children who are still under the supports of BPR Lestari.
“Their backgrounds are different. Mostly due to economic limitations for various reasons. We always make visits so that we can meet with family and see the conditions directly. We respect their eagerness to go to school. Their economic conditions are indeed limited, but their enthusiasm is not limited," said Ayu.
From the very beginning, BPR Lestari not only focus on developing its corporate business. It is more than that, BPR Lestari believes that a business must also have a positive impact on the environment around us. The smallest scope can start from the place or area where a business was born and raised.
This value is also applied to another six BPRs under the same holding company, the Lestari Group. There are minor modifications to the program and its implementation according to conditions in the field, but the mission and objectives remain the same.
“Being a scholar is not the end of their journey, but the beginning of their new story. In the future, our children will be able to get decent jobs, decent earnings so that they can fulfil their needs and certainly make their families proud.”
“Once again... congratulations on the bachelor's degree. Keep being the pride of your family and spread the #MakeanImpact mission to those around you," concluded Ayu.
BPR Lestari menyelenggarakan The Royal Dinner With Raisa pada Minggu (28/2) di Sofitel Hotel, Nusa Dua. Sejak 4 tahun yang lalu setelah rapat umum pemegang saham, BPR Lestari selalu mengadakan... Read More
Jumat, 15 Januari 2016 bertempat di pelataran desa pakraman Banjar Glogor Pemecutan Denpasar tampak ramai dipadati para krama banjar. Para krama banjar berkumpul hendak menyimak dharma wacana yang... Read More
RUPS BPR Lestari menyetujui penambahan modal disetor menjadi Rp. 150 Milyar. Hal ini disepakati dalam RUPS tahunan yang dilenggarakan tanggal 23 Januari kemarin, bertempat di Sofitel Nusa Dua Beach... Read More